Friday, April 24, 2009

My favourite TV series

Since my childhood I have had free access to television so from then on I have had every so often one different favourite series (this term should be understood as an audio-visual works usually seasonal and ongoing with a duration of only a few episodes to many seasons). In general, the TV series and most of the programs I am used to watch are designed to amuse and entertain. Nowadays I am a devout follower of Ugly Betty. But anyway I like watching as well a large number of TV series, such as Friends, Grey´s Anatomy, Prison Break or even The Simpsons.

Initially I did not like so much those kind of series but since the moment I saw the first episode of Ugly Betty I developed a liking for such types of TV series. From that time onward the plot got me hooked and I could not resist to sit down in front of the TV every single afternoon at 4 a.m. Shortly, Ugly Betty deals with an ordinary girl who tries to fit in into an uncompressible world where image is everything. It is an animated TV series where drama, love and amusement take place. And that is exactly what I like.

Actually the thing I like the most from this opera soap is that keeps the full nature of the story hidden and reveals elements episode by episode to keep tuning in to learn more and more. As well this TV series contains recapping segments at the beginning and cliffhangers at the end of each episode. That makes me even more intrigued, so this way I have no other choice than to watch the next episode to follow the plot. Furthermore, I like so much Ugly Betty that I can keep watching every episode over and over, and I never would get tired of watching it. The plots fascinates me from the beginning and are very cleverly set up.

Since I came to Sweden last August, my TV habits have changed radically. Basically because I seldom watch TV, nevertheless I keep watching the online broadcasting every week in order to know the innovations of every episode. Obviously it is not the same as before coming here, but at least I am informed about latest news and changes that happen as the time passes in Ugly Betty.

As a conclusion I just want to recommend to everybody Ugly Betty, it doesn't matter in which version or in which language, the most important thing is the fascinating story below this TV series. You will see, if you watch it for a while, you will be very soon an Ugly Betty fan.


  1. I also like Ugly Betty and think it is a fun show. I enjoyed reading your text and think it is relaxed and well written. The content is good.

    I think you use good vocabulary and it is easy to follow your text. Still I have some suggestions. In several sentences I notice you put the words in a different order than I would use, like this one: “Initially I did not like so much those kind of series....” I would write: “Initially I did not like those kind of series so much....”. If you follow me. The same is with the second sentence in the third paragraph and the first and last sentence in the last paragraph. I think it could sound better. Also I think you write soap opera and not opera soap.

    The structure is very good. The only thing I think you have missed though is to separate the third and the fourth paragraph. I don't know if you have done it intentionally or if it is just a mistake but it would be correct to separate them.

    Well done

  2. Starting with the structure I should say that is well done and very clear, each parapaghpah with a separate idea, easy to follow and understand.

    Talking about the content I have to say that I don´t really like Betty the Ugly but your statements are correct. The only thing I can point is the definition you give in the introduction. I´m not sure if it´s really pertinent or necessary.

    The vocabulary you use is more than correct.
