Sunday, May 3, 2009

Let´s cope with climate change!

The issue of climate change has sparked debate all over the world. There is no doubt that the climate is changing and this increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century is projecting continuation. So in this moment what the Earth need is people who cares the environment where they live in.

Dealing with climate change must be our goal (as long as we live), since it is a real problem that affects us as well as our environment. If we want to continue living on the planet as we've known it, we should act now, otherwise we will regret it. So let´s cope with it instead of focusing on the debate of if humans are the cause of it. Our task is to take steps to adjust to what is coming, not only physically but mentally.

There are different ways to deal with climate issues and many of these start with simple green technologies. Switching to biofuels for transport and nuclear energy for industrial power will be the guaranteed way to make ending global warming happen. That set of measures ends carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere and at the same time it will bring down pollution levels.

The main problem around this topic is that citizens are not aware of the fatal end which is already leading the global warming. One of the key factors in this lack of human consciousness raising is the communication from the correspondent institutions. Thus it is urgent to promote national communication policies in educational environment in order to decrease the level of ignorance. This initiative is supposed to be led by the country's universities and the presence of representatives of the State, civil society and business in general. It is obvious that the current warnings and advices about climate change are not effective at all. We still think that it is not going to happen to us in a direct way, so we just skip the topic by don´t caring about it.

The future is unpredictable but we are on time to prevent and cope with climate change, we are the ones who have the responsibility of changing the future of the world. Moreover a trickle of money from those institutions should begin to fund people´s efforts in order to prevent the biggest problems. More investments by governments would help to cope with this situation and in some sense to contribute to people´s awareness.

1 comment:

  1. Very good text ! I'm impressed :D Good vocabulary, clear ideas and well constructed sentences.

    Content :
    - Good :D You introduce a lot of ideas and have a good understanding of the topic

    Structure :
    - Good structure, well structured content
    - Clear thesis statement
    - Lack of linking devices / Connecting words at the beginning of the paragraphs specially .

    Language: Some minor details only

    - "There is no doubt that the climate is changing and (that) this increase"
    Missing a second "that", they are two separate facts. If not, the sentence is very difficult to understand because it's very long .

    - A comma in the last sentence sounds nice to me
    "So (,) in this moment (,) what the Earth needs "

    - In the third paragraph :
    "nuclear energy for industrial power will be the guaranteed way to make ending global warming happen"
    It is a bit confusing. It would be much easier to make it more simple:
    "nuclear energy for industrial power will guarantee the way to end the global warming"

    - In the same paragraph, you are writing about something that could happen, so maybe ...
    "That set of measures WOULD end (...) it would bring down ..."

    - Fourth paragraph : raising or rising ?
    you raise something, and something rises

    Overall, great work !

    Kisses Luci!
