Sunday, May 17, 2009

Surveillance In Today´s Society

In today´s society surveillance technologies are invading our lives in every sense. It seems we are walking to a surveillance society where technology is extensively used to track and record our daily activities and movements. As the time passes more aspects of our lives are monitored and recorded, not only trough cameras in public spaces, but with the emergence of new technologies the notion of “home as private space” is becoming much contested.That could indicate that with such technical advances private life comes to an end. But we have to be aware that surveillance is no bad at all. In fact from my point of view nowadays surveillance has always two faces: security and control.

On one hand surveillance activities can be associated to security and social care. I think that sacrificing a little privacy or our freedom is worth the security we get from being under control. People who have nothing to hide should not worry about their privacy and, by giving up some privacy it is easier to fight terrorism and crime. In fact Statistics show that in areas where CCTV is employed, crime rates have dropped considerably, and this is a beneficial factor. These cameras are installed in order to make people feel safer and prevent undesirable behaviors. Hence surveillance can be necessary in today’s world where there are a multiplicity of dangers and risks, and where efficiency is so valued.

On the other hand surveillance is associated to control and lack of privacy. In a democratic context the right of privacy should be undeniable. So the feeling of being spied on by the government does not fit in such environment where privacy must be an essential pre-requisite to the exercise of individual freedom. I consider that governments or other organizations do not have the right to encroach on our lives or rights, although being controlled the right to privacy could be eliminated completely. So, what about living in a free country whether we are continuously monitored? In this sense it could be understood that Governments are destroying our privacy. However surveillance does not come only from the state, in fact on the net Data is digital, so almost everything we do leaves a mark. And this is used as a commercial tool in order to target products. On the whole, from this point of view surveillance activities are inhuman, destructive of liberty and untrustworthy.

In conclusion, we live in a free country and the government at the end of the day wants the best for its citizens. This way, even if I take into account some disadvantages of surveillance in today´s society, I think that being surveillance can help us to live in a safer world. So the ideal point would be to find the accurate equilibrium between the two approaches showed above. We want liberty and order, privacy and security in our lives.

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