Sunday, May 24, 2009

The pros and cons of joining the European Union

The European Union is the economic organization founded after the Second World War by six European countries in 1957 with the signing of the Treaty of Rome. Over time 21 countries more joined this union, so at the present time the Union is composed of 27 member states.It was founded with the intention of bringing peace, stability and prosperity to Europe. As everybody knows the European Union is active in a wide range of areas, economic, social, financial and regulatory environment in which his action in the interest of Member States. Anyway it is important to take into account pros and cons of this Union, and that is going to be my goal in this assignment.

In the one hand, the EU has brought many advantages. In fact, from my generation’s point of view entering the EU it is very beneficial because it enables us many different things which our parents could not even dream of. For us the most obvious positive achieve is that we have the opportunity to work and study abroad. Thanks to this I am studying in Karlstad. This also increases employment opportunities, since everybody have the chance to work abroad. Beside, forgetting about the passport it is not a problem anymore because a simple ID is enough for travelling in the EU.

In the other hand, it is clear to see many disadvantages by taking part of this community. For instance, the richest countries are not equal than the others, it is not fair to pay more and receive less. While the poor ones are taking advantage of belonging to this union because it will benefit, the richest ones are beaten. Thus more and more poor countries (comparing with those who are already in the European Union) are seeking their input. Another disadvantage is that twelve of twenty-seven countries do not have Euro as the official currency so, all good within the Union are not leveled in the same coin.

As a conclusion, it is obvious that the European Union is not perfect even if it constantly has to be improved. Moreover it is also clear that the advantages and disadvantages that this union provides depend on the point of view, which is the country that looked at it. In my opinion entering the EU has more advantages then disadvantages in long term. Now the question would be how long the EU operation will be effective and sustainable with the increasing number of member states and whether its limits will stay within Europe or expand to other continents.

1 comment:

  1. Nice text that is very relevant. You state what you're going to write about and stick to the subject.

    Just a few comments:
    -I believe it is "On the one hand", not "In the one hand"
    -ad an "s" to "good" in the third paragraph.
    -The first sentence in the last paragraph does not make sense. You state that the union is not perfect and then you write "even", implying that what follows is a very good quality of the union. Instead you write something that is obvious due to the first part of the statement: that it constantly have to be improved.

    Otherwise your opinion was clear, and allthough I did't agree with everything, I understood your reasoning.

    Well written!

